About the topic
Sexism is an issue that is happening not only in the photography industry, but also everywhere else. Sexism occurs when one gender believes they are more superior compared to the other, causing the value of the other gender to be frowned upon. Discrimination usually happens towards women and girls (Masequesmay 2009). Today we will be focusing on sexism in the photography industry.
ONLY 15%
of women were involved in the world press photo awards, despite the majority of students studying in photojournalism were women.
The photography industry is known to be dominated by male photographers, which could be the cause to why female photographers are receiving lesser opportunities compared to them. Many female photographers had little chances of getting employed by large media companies, and even if they do, they often worked as part-timers. Most of the photography assignments would be given to male photographers because it is said that they could produce a better product compared to female photographers.
Pregnancy is also becoming an issue to some photography companies. A female photographer found herself losing jobs when she got pregnant and the reason being clients were afraid she was not capable enough (Sebag-Montefiore 2019). Another female photographer was rejected when she requested to take a break to breastfeed her child. A good photography company would provide a safe space and suitable job opportunities for these women instead of pushing them away.
Female Photographers are earning 32% less than male photographers.

Furthermore, sexism is also one of the reasons why sexual harassment at work happens to female photographers. In order to be accepted by companies or to keep their jobs, sexual harassment victims tend to not voice out about their experiences and can only accept that it was a norm in a male-dominated industry. It is especially worse for fresh and new photographers. Men would often joke about this issue, as if indicating that the only valuable thing a female photographer could provide to the industry is their body and not their talent.
In addition, female photographers often receive unwanted comments and advances about their bodies and appearances when they are trying to do their job. It is also extremely unfair that male photographers are able to come to work looking unprofessional and get away with it, while female photographers are getting criticized repeatedly. Furthermore, it is unsafe for female photographers to carry out their assignment outdoors as they would be catcalled, followed by strangers and receive obscene gestures from them.
Let's create a safer space for female photographers!
When female young adults and children are convinced that the industry has become a safer space, it can encourage them to take up photography and not be afraid to chase their dreams. This could alter the male domination in the industry and create a balance - to prove that photography is not only for men, but for everyone that has a passion and love for photography. When a safety is prioritised, everyone can relax and enjoy doing their jobs.