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2019-05-30 10_edited.jpg

Hello, I'm Joyce.

Deciding what to do for my Final Year Project was challenging. After getting a taste of what videography feels like, I decided that I want to create a short film - something completely different than what I've done throughout my Degree. Creating a short film is also quite common, so to add a little bit of spice I went for a short silent film instead. I have written and directed my own silent skits in the past, so it can't be that difficult, right?



What did the viewers think?

Music plays an important role in movies - it helps audiences to feel emotions ranging from sadness to anger. I have received many feedbacks regarding my music choices - they can be used to exaggerate the "up's and down's" a little bit better - For example, the music in the first scene didn't show much excitement. Some of the music can be improved to properly portray sadness, anger and others in some scenes. The flow and change of the music can be smoother. Furthermore, the transition from one scene to another can be improved as well.


One of the scenes had too much tapping (Andrew and his boss' discussion). Instead, a zooming-in transition might be better to show what the two were discussing about. It would be less distracting too.


The message can be conveyed better if the short film showed how much happier Monica has become towards the ending. Scenes like her receiving awards and working with her colleagues can do so. Instead of bedrooms, rooms such as gaming room or a pantry should be used to show the friendliness of the company.


Nevertheless, I have also received lots of good remarks from the viewers and I am glad that they got the message that I am trying to send out. This has been a tough yet interesting project to do and I do wish to create more short films in the upcoming future.



The End.

© 2021 by Joycelynn Bong for assignment purposes.

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